Construction Type
New build
Algeco BV
Education & Health
Leisure & Hospitality
Design & build
Project info

A multifunctional building accommodating a school, childcare and a sport center.

Shaping the future in the oldest city of Zeeland

In Aardenburg, the oldest city of Zeeland, we delivered the design for an integral child center, including a school, childcare and a sport center.

We designed the multifunctional building in a UAV-GC contract. We cooperated with Algeco (formerly BUKO Huisvesting BV). A great challenge was the location, next to the monumental Roman fort (3rd century AD). The building had to be built on the foundation that was located in the old “roman” soil. This was successful thanks to close consultation with several specialists in this field. We designed the complete building and arranged the interior. In the facade, Zeeland themes were incorporated by creating symbols in the masonry.

“Every child has the right to a promising future”

Mark Mes, Architect

Next to the monumental Roman fort (3rd century AD)

foundation was located in the old “roman” soil

Great projects start
with great relationships.