Construction Type
Vesteda Project Development BV & VVE Bensdorp Bussum
Bussum, The Netherlands
Offices & Commercial buildings
Project management
Project info

Bensdorp cacao factory is at the centre of this monumental transformation. Designed by LEVS Architecten, Bussum gained a striking residential complex. The project started with SYNRG project management of Building E in the Bensdorp complex. On behalf of Vesteda Project Development BV we consulted and audited building E. This consisted of 40 apartments, commercial spaces and an underground parking garage.

Construction plus relationships.

Bankruptcy of the developing contractor created a unique challenge. At SYNRG we are determined to succeed so followed up with project management and supervision. We investigated all unfinished components; including the underground parking garage, three residential buildings, multiple commercial buildings, public areas and the restauration of a monumental wall and industrial chimney.

Owners included individuals, private investors, a housing corporation and a residential investment company. These stakeholders needed to be 100% united to ensure project success.

A beautiful urban re-development of an old industrial complex with masterclass in stakeholder management.

Jeroen Verhoef, General Director

On behalf of all the owners we guided the owners, and the project. Plans needed to be made, new contractors needed to be found. After two years, the complete project was finalised within the calculated budget.

Great projects start
with great relationships.